Rowdy #2 Hospital trauma
Darlin' Daughter had COVID and was quarantined to her bedroom upstairs. Darlin' Son-in-Law kindly decided to let us face chat. SIL and the boys are in the living room, SIL said, “we should buy new pillows every year for the bed, drool is a breeding ground for all kinds of undesirables, Hey B show your mom your pillow.” I expected her to show me a bed pillow, she pulls up this travel pillow wraps it around her neck... like a huge thick neck brace. I said the first thing popped into my mind. “Doesn’t that kind of hinder the romance department?” The look on SIL face as his eyes were darting back and forth he wanted so bad to say something. SIL said, “ So many things raced through my mind, all of them inappropriate.” “Hey Rowdy #2, show Mema your leg” Quick exit to the left there SIL... lol Rowdy #2 showed me the long gash on his leg... “What the What?” Is all I could say, it looke...